The “A-Z” Package


The “A-Z” Package


First Name

Last Name

Business Name (If Applicable)

Type of Incorporation (If Applicable)

US State of Incorporation (If Applicable)

Your Trademark Name or Phrase

More Info

Please provide a list of all the goods and/or services that you plan to offer associated with your trademark. Please include any notes, comments, or other information that might help us to search and register your trademark. If the mark contains any foreign wording or acronyms then please explain the meaning:

Agreement *

The client retains the law firm of Dawsey Co., LPA, (Attorney), for representation pertaining to the performance of’s Comprehensive Trademark Search consisting of a search of U.S. federal, state, common law, and domain name databases, with respect to one word mark for the fee of $3,000 (FEE), due upon signing this Agreement. Upon receipt of a favorable search report, Attorney agrees to prepare and file a federal trademark application in a single International Class upon receipt of $350 to cover the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) filing fee for a single class. At Client’s request, Attorney will file the application in additional classes for a fee of $99 per class plus the USPTO filing fee of $350 per class. This Agreement includes the preparation and filing of a statement of use for intent to use applications, upon receipt of $150 per class to cover the USPTO filing fees + $99 professional fee for second and each subsequent classes. In light of our guaranteed 4 day turn around, all sales are final because work on your project begins immediately.

The FEE includes responding to non-substantive office actions, but does not include responses to substantive office actions. Upon receipt of a substantive office action, Attorney will contact client and provide a quote to respond to the substantive office action. Client understands that there are no guarantees regarding the success of Attorney’s efforts with respect to registering a mark with the USPTO, and Client authorizes Attorney to employ counsel, agents or experts on its behalf.

The Client understands that if an application matures into a registered trademark that Affidavits of Continued Use must be filed between the fifth and sixth year after the date of registration, and the registration must be renewed every ten years. To the best of its ability, the Attorney will endeavor to remind the Client once of such maintenance requirements. All communication from Attorney to Client will be via email and it is the responsibility of the Client to keep the Attorney informed of any changes to the Client’s email address.

The Client understands that any additional work requested by Client, such as Appeals, research, and renewals shall be billed at the hourly rate of $295 for time actually devoted to the service of Client, together with reimbursement for all expenses pertaining thereto. Any dispute arises from the Agreement shall be governed by the law of the State of Ohio and shall take place in Columbus, Ohio.

If you have any questions concerning this Fee Agreement, please call 1-614-288-6280 ext. 10.



The “A-Z” Package

The “A-Z” package is $3000 and includes everything in the “Single-Shot” package, PLUS;

  • The USPTO filing fee for a single class;
  • The USPTO fee for the statement of use associated with an intent to use application (in a single class);
  • The preparation and filing of up to 5 extensions of time to file a statement of use (it does NOT include the USPTO fees for any necessary extensions since the number of extensions required is in your control, not ours);
  • The preparation and filing of one response to a substantive office action if necessary;
  • Ongoing monitoring of the application with the USPTO and updates sent to your inbox;
  • An electronic copy of your registration certificate along with a guide on the proper use of a registered trademark IF trademark registration is granted; and
  • Email communication throughout the process to answer questions.

Is this package right for you? It depends. If you use the “Single-Shot” or “Multi-Shot” package to make an educated decision in the selection of a mark on which to pursue trademark registration, then you are most likely to save money utilizing one of those packages because it may be unlikely that a substantive office action response is required. However, if you are worried about the amount of additional costs after the preparation and filing of the application, then this package may provide you with a certain level of comfort. Obviously, no one can ever guarantee that the USPTO will approve your application for a federal trademark, and likewise there is no guarantee that any search will uncover all possible conflicts.

To get started simply enter an order for each of the “Single-Shot” package, let us know in the “notes” section of the order form that you wish to order the “A-Z” package and then we will contact you to cover the cost difference.To get started simply enter an order for each of the “Single-Shot” package, let us know in the “notes” section of the order form that you wish to order the “A-Z” package and then we will contact you to cover the cost difference.

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