



Taking the Confusion Out of the Trademark Application Process
  • Anything less than our $850 Comprehensive U.S. Trademark Search increases the risk that your federal trademark application will be rejected.
  • Our experienced trademark attorneys evaluate your proposed word mark (trademark or service mark) against statutory requirements.
  • Our fixed fee trademark lawyers perform a comprehensive trademark search of federal, state, common law, and domain name databases.
  • Our flat fee trademark lawyers prepare a trademark search opinion letter and e-mail it to you within 4 business days or the search is FREE (the 4 day guarantee begins the first business day after receiving the order and credit card approval). The trademark search opinion letter includes a review of the trademark search results and a trademark registration opinion regarding the proposed trademark.
  • Our flat fee trademark attorneys prepare and file a federal trademark application for federal trademark registration, in a single class, FREE for trademarks that receive favorable trademark opinions. (not including the USPTO filing fee of $350 per class)


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Additional trademark renewal filings are required to maintain the registration of a trademark. If you do not make these filings your trademark will be considered abandoned by the US Government and all of your federal registration rights will be lost. We are here to help you maintain your trademark registrations.

Why Should You Have a Trademark Lawyer Prepare and File a Trademark Renewal?

A trademark registration must be renewed periodically by filing documents to prove that you are still using the trademark to offer the goods and/or services listed in your trademark registration. The trademark renewal deadlines are as follows:

  • Declaration of Use and Incontestability due: between the 5th and 6th anniversary of your registration date
  • 1st renewal due: between the 9th and 10th anniversary of your registration date
  • 2nd, 3rd and all subsequent renewals due: every 10 years after your first renewal deadline

The Trademark Renewal Process

In order to renew your trademark registration you must show the trademark office that your mark is still in use. This is done via “specimens,” which are the same types of evidence that was required when you first applied for your trademark. Our trademark registration attorneys can guide you through this process and advise regarding the specimens that are most likely to satisfy the requirements of the trademark office. As a trademark registration law firm we understand the pitfalls commonly encountered when renewing a trademark registration.

Filing Trademark Declaration of Use under § 8 (5 Year)

Due Between 5th and 6th Years of Trademark Registration


§ 8 Confirms Use in Commerce

Trademark Attorney Assistance in Selecting a Compliant Specimen

Includes USPTO Filing Fee of $325

*USPTO filing fee of $325 for one international class is included . Any additional international classes will incur an additional fee of $424 per class ($99 legal fee and $325 USPTO fee).

$850.00Select options

Filing Trademark Declaration of Use and Incontestability under § 8 and § 15 (5 Year)

Due Between 5th and 6th Years of Trademark Registration


§ 8 Confirms Use in Commerce

§ 15 Conveys Additional Benefits, making it more difficult to cancel your registered trademark**

Trademark Renewal Attorney Assistance in Selecting a Compliant Specimen

Includes Filing Fee of $575

*USPTO filing fee of $575 for one international class is included ($325 for § 8 and $250 for § 15). Any additional international classes will incur an additional fee of $674 per class ($99 legal fee and $575 USPTO fee).

**A § 15 Declaration is NOT mandatory to retain rights in your trademark.

$1,075.00Select options

Filing Trademark Declaration of Use and Application for Renewal under § 8 and § 9 (10 Year)

Due Between 9th and 10th Years of Trademark Registration


§ 8 Confirms Use in Commerce

§ 9 Renews Trademark for 10 years

Trademark Renewal Attorney Assistance in Selecting a Compliant Specimen

Both the Declaration and Trademark Renewal will be Attorney Drafted & Filed

Includes Filing Fee of $650

*USPTO filing fee of $650 for one international class is included ($325 for § 8 and $325 for § 9). Any additional international classes will incur an additional fee of $749 per class ($99 legal fee and $650 USPTO fee).

$1,150.00Select options

Trademark Monitoring Service

This service includes monitoring of the USPTO trademark database for similar trademark filings, quarterly reports (4 times a year) of our findings, and, notification of renewals that are due on your registration.

Police Your Mark with our Monitoring Service!



Monitoring of New USPTO Filings and All 50 States Trademark Filings

Ensure Legal Compliance of Your Trademark

Notification of Any Renewal or Maintenance Filings Due

Quarterly Email Updates, Which Include a Comprehensive Search Report

*Fee is Per Year.

$490.00Select options

Other Trademark Services

While this site is directed to affordable online trademark searches and applications, the attorneys of Dawsey Co., L.P.A. provide numerous other trademark, patent, and copyright services. Please contact us for more information related to trademark infringement opinions, trademark infringement and dilution evaluations, trademark infringement litigation, trademark opposition, trademark licensing, trademark due diligence reports, purchase and sale of trademarks, acquiring and perfecting security interests, trademark portfolio management, patent prosecution, patentability opinions, patent infringement opinions, patent infringement demand letters, patent infringement litigation, patent validity studies, patent licensing, patent valuation, patent due diligence reports, freedom to operate and practice opinions, purchase and sale of patents, acquiring and perfecting security interests in patents, and patent portfolio management.

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